Monday, January 31, 2011

Please Welcome Greta !!!

I'm so tickled I'm published and believe it for not this was my first submitted item!
I am so very honored to be included in the 3rd edition of Apron ology.
 So very much talent and little ole me!  How very humbling. I have been an admirer of Stampington publications for sometime,devouring every copy of each publication over and over, finding something new each time I thumbed through. BUT WOW let's celebrate!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fairy Teacup Tassel

So I must give credit where credit is due:
I had seen where Beth Quinn was doing a class on a teacup fairy, well I wasn't able to take it and I needed a tassel for my very Big,Bland,Black armoire in my studio. Sooo meet Mable !
Her crown is a salt shaker top, her dress is a scrap of lace, her body is a left over teacup from my Precious Granddaughter Ellie's Teacup Chandelier Grammy Sandy made for her sometime ago.
She hangs from a vintage crucifix chain and I so enjoy seeing how she graces the front of that Big Black door.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The New Apronolgy book comes out February 1st And I'm in it !!!

So make sure and get a copy and look for the:

The Greta Gecko-Wall Street Couture

 made from men's silke ties and the top of a silk nightgown, seems like a nice juxaposition to me!
I'd love to post a picture of it but the magazine still has it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Had to share with you my recent bag creation, it was accepted to be printed in “Haute Handbags” April issue! I’m so excited!!